
Sub-accounts are a feature of the Truvera API that allows Truvera's enterprise customers to segregate their data within the Truvera platform based on their own customers. Each sub-account can have its own keys, organization profiles, credential designs and verification templates conveniently organized to help with tracking and auditing of the activity performed by each.

When using a sub-account the parent account will set up separate API keys for each sub-account and then use the sub-account specific API key for the transactions associated with that sub-account.

In order to easier manage sub-account assets Ecosystem Tools can be used.

Sample sub-account Postman collection

Download the collection here.

This Postman collection shows a simple example of sub-account set up in 5 steps:

  1. Creating a sub-account

  2. Creating an API key for a sub-account

  3. Creating a DID for the sub-account

  4. Inviting sub-account as a participant in an already existing ecosystem

  5. Accepting the invite

Create sub-account

List sub-accounts

Get sub-account by ID

Update the specified sub-account

Deletes the specified sub-account

Get sub-account usage

Get details about the activity that this sub-account has performed in the system.

Create sub-account API key

Creates an API key for a sub-account. In order for activity to be associated with the given sub-account an API key needs to be created for that sub-account and then that key must be used for all transactions related to that sub-account.

List sub-account API keys

Delete a sub-account API key

Delete the specified API key for the given sub-account.

Last updated