iOS Build Testing and Publishing
Last updated
Last updated
When the customizations are done and repository updated create a Pull Request (PR)
Truvera will review and merge the PR into the master branch. That will trigger a new build. This will usually take ~1 business day.
A new release will be created in the distribution repository
release name will be: wallet-version + wallet-build-number e.g: v0.4.5_build-523
If only minor changes are made on the whitelabel wallet they will be uploaded to an existing release instead of creating a new one to keep consistency with the Truvera Wallet.
Assets will be uploaded to the release in the ../releases
Download the .ipa from the Github release
Upload the .ipa to App Store Connect (Testflight)
A developer will need to run the following command line to upload the .ipa to Testfilight
Once the upload finished, the app will be available in the Testflight UI iOS builds
Add internal testers in Testflight
Testers will need to install Testflight, and accept an invitation sent via email
The app will be available in Testflight for testing. More details from Apple
Navigate to the App Store connect
Add new iOS App
Set the version number. Make sure to match the version number to the wallet version number e.g. 0.4.5
ℹ️ To ease the review process we suggest adding a comment in the App Review section:
To import an existing wallet you can use the json file provided. First need to unzip the file and select the json in the wallet, the password is !@1Dock321
To get a json of your wallet, Install the wallet .apk on an Android phone -> Import a credential -> Generate a wallet backup using the password provided
Navigate to the Build section, and click on add build. Make sure to select the build number that was tested
Save, and add the app to review